Tuesday 25 October 2011

Recommended picture books for toddlers and young children

Try these recommended picture books by babycentre.com

Toby, Where Are You?, by William Steig, pictures by Teryl Euvremer
Toby, a kid who is probably a weasel, is hiding again. His good-natured parents, dressed in gay 1890s style, look for him everywhere, while your young reader — all-knowing and superior — can just barely make him out on each page.
Toby, What Are You?

A Friend for Minerva Louise, by Janet Morgan Stoeke
Minerva Louise is a wise fool chicken, whose misunderstandings make toddlers and elementary schoolers chortle. This time she's mistaken the baby for a bunny and the stroller for a wheelbarrow! You'll find much artistry in the simple charcoal and pastel illustrations — airy and sweet, like taking a good, deep breath.
A Friend for Minerva Louise

Bunny Cakes, by Rosemary Wells
These chunky bunnies are heroes for the red-wagon-and-rompers set. Today, Max wants to make earthworm birthday cake for his grandmother, but his sister Ruby insists on angel surprise cake. Their expressive bunny eyes tell the whole saga of disappointment (broken eggs, can't write real English) and triumph (we're not giving away the happy ending). Wells's best yet.
Bunny Cakes (Max and Ruby)

Young Larry, by Daniel Pinkwater, illustrated by Jill Pinkwater
Larry is a typical polar bear (his father ate a whole whale one time). But then Larry learns from humans how to love blueberry muffins and eventually becomes a lifeguard at a hotel swimming pool... Lots of tomfoolery, the kind your favorite uncle would come up with, egged on by the sloppy, clever drawings. Once you're four or so, you can probably appreciate Larry.
book cover of 
Young Larry 
Daniel Pinkwater

To Market, To Market, by Anne Miranda, illustrated by Janet Stevens
So what would REALLY happen if a modern-day Aunt Mildred sort went to market, to market, to buy a fat pig, and so forth? "The pig's in the kitchen. The lamb's on the bed. The cow's on the couch. There's a duck on my head!" Think of a Lucy Ricardo routine, with very large, realistic renderings of animals in preposterous situations. Big bad belly laughs.
To Market, To Market

Little Oh, by Laura Krauss Melmed, illustrated by Jim Lamarche
Elegantly detailed paint-and-colored-pencil drawings sweep the reader into this first-time telling of the story of Little Oh, an origami girl who is separated from her mother. Along with the beauty (any page could be framed as art) and drama comes a message about strength in small places: "I may be a paper child ... but I sailed the raging river." Perfect for those who love dolls, good stories, and fine art.
Little Oh

Open Me...I'm a Dog!, by Art Spiegelman
This is the book with a leash that thinks it's a dog. It simply jumps off the shelf to explain about all the folks who got terribly temper-tantrum mad and eventually turned a lovable pup into a, well, don't say that word. The only book that can wag its tail, the only dog that won't mess a carpet...
Open Me...I'm a Dog

Flashy Fantastic Rain Forest Frogs, by Dorothy Hinshaw Patent
The rain forest frogs live up to their name in these sprawling, bright paintings. Some are poison, some can fly, some have horns. The explicit, straightforward text will satisfy the most curious nature lover.
Flashy, Fantastic Rain Forest Frogs

I Met a Dinosaur, by Jan Wahl, illustrated by Chris Sheban
After a farm girl goes to the natural history museum, she is seeing dinosaurs where before there were only clouds, cows, and lakes. "Fine. Girl. Fine. Have a drink," says her mother, and gives her water from the sink. We say we can see the splendid, crafty, lovable extinct creatures, too, right in these gorgeous paintings. Dedicated to dinos or poetic thoughts? This is for you.
I Met a Dinosaur (Creative Editions)

How It Was With Dooms: A True Story From Africa, by Xan Hopcroft and Carol Cawthra Hopcroft
Imagine having a pet cheetah. Xan Hopcroft did. When Dooms, the cheetah his family raised from a kitten, died, Xan was seven. This book, told in his own words and decorated with his and his mother's art, celebrates the cheetah's life — avoiding baths, getting on the roof, learning to hunt — and shares the sadness of his death. Sharp photos, with a story well done, not overly cutesie, no matter what the author's age.

My Life With the Wave, by Catherine Cowan, illustrated by Mark Buehner, based on the story by Octavio Paz
A boy brings a wave home. His father tries to send her back, "but the wave cried and begged and threatened until he agreed that she could come along." The story is sometimes funny, always understated, even philosophical, and the wave comes alive in each of her moods — the illustrations so serious you almost believe.
My Life with the Wave

Rikki-Tikki-Tavi, by Rudyard Kipling, illustrated by Jerry Pinkney
Kipling's taut, touching classic brought to life: A mongoose wages war on a couple of cobras, defending his family's honor, "his" garden in India, and the English family who adopted him. Rikki-Tikki-Tavi nickers, pounces, and slinks right into your heart in Pinkney's beautifully realistic watercolors; while battle scenes that include cobras Nag and Nagina will make your heart thud. Perfect for reading aloud, even to teenagers.
Rikki Tikki Tavi

Tuesday 11 October 2011

King Bidgood's in the Bathtub

I borrowed this book for our baby about 4 weeks ago and he has been asking me to read this book almost everyday. In the beginning, he asked me to read 2-3 times in one sitting~

Well, there are some books I get bored of reading over and over again but I felt different about this book. Perhaps it is the way it's written and the beautiful illustrations. This story is about the Page looking for help to get King Bidgood out of the bathtub who is refusing to come out no matter what! The Knight, Queen, Duke and the Court all try to get the King out of the bathtub without much success. Guess who solves the problem in the end? The Page himself!

Phonics For Kids - Help Your Child Read and Write Better


Sunday 9 October 2011

Pamela Allen Books

Introducing 2 new books today. These books are by Pamela Allen and some of you may be her fans already but she writes fantastic children's books which are educational (often thought-provoking for the little minds) and entertaining. I particularly love how she builds on her story through repetition.

1. Mr McGee and the Big Bag of Bread
This story is about Mr McGee going to the zoo with a big bag of bread and feeding the animals despite the warning on the noticeboard, "Do not feed the animals". Each time he feeds the animals, something happens to him and it has quite a dramatic ending. 

This book was helpful in teaching my baby about different animals and he enjoys listening to the repetitions in the book which sounds quite rhythmic.

2. Inside Mary Elizabeth's House
This book is about young Mary Elizabeth trying to make four boys believe her words that she has a monster at her house. The boys refused to believe her until they discover the monster for themselves... The author builds on the story through repetition and this seems quite appealing to our little one and I am guessing to many other little ones.

Thursday 6 October 2011

Book Review: Wild Animals (Magnetic story and play scene)

This was a great buy from Coles in Burwood Westfield shopping centre. They frequently have children's book sale and they actually have a good range of books for babies and toddlers. I bought this one last month along with 3 others (will post about them later~) which have turned out to be a great toy/book/play for our baby. 

So, the book comes with 20 animal magnetic pieces and they are easy to stick and take off from the pages which are also magnetic. 

Each page tells a story so as I read to him, I ask him to find different animals. In the beginning, he could only pick out the ones he already knew like hippo and bird but now he can pick out almost all of them and able to say them in English and Korean!

He has so much fun looking for the animals and also sticking them to the board. This book is designed for kindergarten age children but this is just as fun and educational for little babies and toddlers. Let your creativity guide you~ I show our baby the sounds each animal makes and he tends to remember them easier than the actual names of the animals as the names can be quite difficult to pronounce like crocodile (for a 20months old that is). I actually own 3 other of these playboard books and our baby has picked up many of the words from the playboard books since I bought them. I would highly recommend these books~   

The best time to start reading to your baby

From my reading of articles and books on the importance of reading books to your baby, there is one common advice from all the sources... to start reading to your baby as early as possible. Well, I am no "tiger mum" but I am a booklover myself and I wanted to teach the value and importance of reading to my baby. So, I started reading to my baby boy from when he was only a few months old. 

In the beginning, I mainly showed him picture books and just talked about the picture to him. For instance, if it was an apple I was showing him, I would talk to him like this, "This is called an apple. This apple is red but there are green apples too. Apples are yummy!" It felt a bit strange talking to a baby who just stares at you but trust me, it became so much more fun more I read to him. I think Baby Einstein Touch and Feel books are great. I also bought simple picture books from the supermarkets. I tried to involve as much of his five senses as possible when I read to him. So, I would read the book aloud, encourage him to feel the pages and eventually he decided to taste many of the books too! I noticed that more I read to him, it became enjoyable for both of us. He would smile when I picked out his favourite book and squealed in excitement as I started reading it to him. 

When he was able to sit up (about 6 months old), I bought him "Superslide First Words" published by Hinkler Books (A slide pieces in the book help babies to identify different pictures with their correct names) and lift-the-flap books such as "Where is Spot?" My baby found these books fascinating and I remember reading them to him over and over again.

He is now 20 months old and reading has become one of his favourite activities. I have created a little library for him in our living room corner and he often brings me books for me to read to him. On average, I read to him about 1-2 hours each day and it could be anywhere between 10min to 40min each time. I speak another language other than English and it is just amazing how he is picking up both languages! 

Read about the benefits of reading to your child here: